osakasteve's Gamercard

26 May 2004

Shave and a Haircut

20 dollars later, Monzel and I have taken one step closer to Han Solo nirvana. Though you never see it in the films, Solo is no doubt a man who enjoyed a straight-razor shave.

In the basement of Citibank on University ave is Debon'airs, the domain of Marco and Randy. After cleaning up my neckline, Randy warmed up my face with a hot towel and then went to work.

Pulling the skin and slicing down the edge of my face and neck, he would clean the razor against his palm and restart. My skin voiced discomfort at first, but ultimately I enjoyed the lively feeling of such a sharp blade.

Now we sit at the RnC, watching proper football and waiting to sink our newly shaven jaws into good pub burgers...hump day hu-ZAH!


Blogger Dan said...

I beg to differ- were that the case, Han wouldn't have had his signature scruffy look.

5/26/2004 11:04:00 PM  

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