osakasteve's Gamercard

30 November 2004

i-Mode goes to Europe

NTT DoCoMo, in partnership with mmO2 plc, that they will be extending their i-Mode mobile data services into the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany. According to the DoCoMo press release, English and Irish services are slated to begin in the second half of 2005, with German rollout planned for Spring 2006.

I have been spouting off about this for over a year to anyone who will listen, and now my wishes are beginning to come true. This move will definitely give Vodafone and their recent Vodafone live! 3G program a run for its money, and it will further strengthen DoCoMo's position as a dominant force in the global mobile industry.

It seems that O2 needed this deal, considering they are the runner-up in the UK market, and Vodafone's 3G launch spans across the majority of Europe. DoCoMo also needs to continue to make bold moves into foreign markets in order to grow beyond their current role as an extremely strong yet land-locked company.

Personally I would like to see DoCoMo increase their visibility in the US market. Their investment in ATT Wireless hasn't borne much fruit aside from a minimal 3G launch in small pockets of ATT's coverage. Vodafone could stand to increase their brand visibility in the US market, mostly because I dread hearing about Verizon Wireless and the next feature-stripped handset.

If mobile customers in the US will wake up and begin to demand handset portability from their providers, then hopefully we can push GSM into a more dominant position, which would soften the ground for a proper global market.


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