osakasteve's Gamercard

01 November 2004

Seeing The Incredibles

Seeing The Incredibles

Just saw The Incredibles at PIXAR. I didn't type the name because it's tremendous, I typed it that way because it's proper.

Fantastic movie, both in story and in technics. The story was the most entertaining one yet, with great writing and characters. Voice acting on the parts of Holly Hunter and Jason Lee was excellent.

Being on the list at PIXAR was surreal. Nestled right off the freeway, across the street from Emeryville Civic Center, the gate commands a significant presence. Their's is quite possibly the most beautiful corporate campus in history. Formerly the Del Monte Cannery, the wide open space has been finished in the most exquisite hardwood and brick.

The main area was decorated with production illustrations, character sculptures, and even family photos of the Incredibles on honeymoon and other such cute bits. We were able to wander the halls after the show and take in every little sketch.

Finally, this evening has been so special that I want to thank some people. Thank you two Fruitshop and Bonkie for joining me on such a ubercool geek outting. Thank you to Johann for sharing your tiny bed so I could have the energy to stay up for this and to Sndgeek for being the name in the credits I am so proud to know.

Finally, thank you Dad for extending your invitation. You are the best and I love you.


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