osakasteve's Gamercard

03 May 2005

Some cool shit I found today: 5 Beds to Mecca Collection of pulp fiction book covers. Some great crap here. I am dying to find an online collection of PDFs of these books, I think they'd make fantastic WC reading. Strange Japanese accessories that hold your business cards, wallet contents, and beach crap using the static quality of vynl. Backpack by 37 Signals is a fabulous web-based information management tool. Some of the most beautiful design I've seen for an ASP in a while. Totally hot Tijuana Brass album apparently has a serious history. Linkin Park wants to go label-less. While ABC has completely missed the point with their headline, the more important issue is a band with a powerful brand choosing to strike out on their own and embrace new technology. The Seven Gummie Sins. The continuing brilliance of Flickr shines brightly. Marumushi Newsmap. This could be one of the coolest uses of Google's open APIs. Take the headline streams from Google News and visualize them...might be my new homepage.


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