osakasteve's Gamercard

14 October 2005

No more Mailblocks

Well this sure licks the llama's ass. Here lies the body of Mailblocks, a great email service. it was clean and standards-based. It used a simple and effective challenge/response system to ensure that SPAM never saw the inside of an inbox. It gave us, its users, the opportunity to reject future email from anyone who we had 'trusted' in the past.

Then AOL bought it, and we all began to sweat. "They're not to be trusted," people would say. "They're a dinosaur...they're completely proprietary...they tried to kill my grandparents..." But Mailblocks kept on uninterrupted, disproving our fears.

Now however, our fears have been realized. The Hawaiian traitor and his team have decided that we do not want our fabulous email service. Instead, we clearly want to transfer our account into the AOL universe. Obviously we would rather tie our AIM screen names and email addresses together, under one cute little umbrella of banner ad-riddled disposable teenage pop culture where 3vry 1 sp3k5 txt.

Well I say to fuck with that. Time to send out the vcard update...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10/23/2005 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm really grateful that someone out there wants to help us become more Korean.

10/26/2005 11:13:00 PM  

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