osakasteve's Gamercard

25 June 2005

Cracking the Flag-Burning Amendment. Sometimes you've got to hack your rights. Dock Ellis: Hunter S. Thompson's best friend in the MLB. This cat threw a no-hitter high on LSD. Snapple's popsicle disaster. Because the best time to try and keep shit cold is June. Sat photos of a vaporized town in Zimbabwe. Just a reminder of why we should be spending our money on foreign aid. Finger Chili, meet your health-concious nemesis, Frog Salad! Club 33 Tour. Also check out the Flickr tag. Guns Germs and Steel on PBS. Learn how we got here. Homer Simpson key car. All I can say is...Stapleton. You can't withstand the yawn. Just watch and see how long you can resist. Gigapixel image gallery. For those of you who need something to make your big LCDs feel small again.

04 June 2005

iRobot Swarmbots iRobot Swarmbots. Capable of working together in groups up to 10,000! Outfit these bad boys with some sensor and communications equipment and you can have a ball! The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do... PDN hooks us up with the comprehensive 'Bart Simpson on the chalkboard' list of exploits of a member of our proud armed forces. Wikipedia's List of sex positions. Gotta love an encyclopedia that isn't bound by someone's puritanical social filtering. The Story of 42. Hilarious web animation ad for a vodka from New Zealand. Cory Doctorow on the chocolate experience. Hilarious description of what sounds like an excellent cafe in Florence called Hemingway. Cory doesn't write personal accounts nearly often enough, an infraction I know I am also guilty of. Sharps grooming products. EL pointed this out on his blog no one special (nonsense!) a while back. Looks like pretty sweet stuff. For reasons passing understanding, I'm a sucker for completing sets of things, and grooming products are no exception. I'm sure I'll outfit my new bathroom with all this crap in no time!

01 June 2005

SE K750i So most of the time here I rant incessantly, but this time I have a question. I'd love to hear response from everyone, as that's the best way I can think of to average my own opinions and determine just how far from the pack I've strayed: What is your price ceiling for a mobile phone? Everyone has different priorities, so we have to be more general than that. If we assume that the phone fulfills your 5 or 8 requirements to the 90th degree, what would you be willing to pay? What dollar value is the limit, and beyond that you consider it absurd to pay so much for simply a phone. I suppose one detail is worth mentioning. This phone acts as both your phone and your pocket digi camera. Throw down with the comments and let me know what's rational.